Group 1
Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology
Aichi Prefectural Handa Senior High School
Waseda University Honjo Senior High School
12/22 Meeting Report
Reviewed research done since previous meeting
Decided next steps
1. Finish research and presentation
a. Copy outside research
b. English report - due by New Year's (1st Jan)
c. Send to Rin for translation
d. Create remaining presentation slides
2. Next meeting: 7th January 6:30 JST
a. What will be presented on the day
b. Dividing up slides to talk about
3. Extra meeting
a. Practice improvising for questions
12/08 Meeting Report
- Went through powerpoint to discuss slides (different groups worked on different slides, so we explained each slide to each other)
- Came up with more specific research topics
- Split topics around group to be completed by next meeting
- Will create a research document
10/31 Meeting Report
- Discussed and brainstormed tasks for presentation
- Delegated tasks among schools
- Due to clashing exams, next meeting will be much later (8th December)
- Instead, group members will check-in using the Whatsapp chat
10/17 Meeting Report
- Shared results from past experiments
- Waseda and Handa were both able to grow bacteria on agar plates
- Results showed large amounts of growth
- In next part of meeting, spent a lot of time on brainstorming more specific research topic
- Decided to use experimental data as backup/support for online/secondary research
- Topic: link between dissolved oxygen and temperature - DO decreases in warmer temperatures
- Intending to research impacts of global warming on DO and by extension the impact on the ecosystem
- Possible solution to decreasing DO from global warming: algae farms, used to produce oxygen
09/19 Meeting Report
- Shared who was able to use agar plates and incubators for tests
- QASMT (Australia school) is able to but will need more time since we have to fill in risk assessments and application forms, therefore the next meeting will be later
- Waseda students are going to ask their teacher if they have access to standard agar plates similar to what QASMT and Handa are using
- Handa is able to use the agar plates
- Set next meeting: 10th October, 6:30pm Japan time
09/12 Meeting Report
- Met and shared previous data (QASMT could not test COD, so focus topic was changed)
- Decided to swab water samples on agar plates to get clearer visual results
- Set time for next meeting: 19/9
- However, next meeting is more of a check-in than a full meeting; it is just to make sure everyone has access to agar plates and incubator for experiment
08/17 Meeting Report
Met to share results of tests completed since last meeting
Decided on new and more specific topic - algae growth
Focusing on COD levels, water hardness (minerals present in water), and pH, linking to algae growth
Also daylight hours and day temperature
Measure temperature of water to compare impact of seasonal change
Take images of river/other water source to get qualitative measurements (e.g. presence of algae)
Decided that next meeting time will be 5/9/22, 6:30pm JST
07/04 Meeting Report
At first, we showed our introduction videos to each other since we didn't have time for that in the last meeting. Then, we started to talk about what we wanted to do for our project. During this discussion, many ideas were given, and we found that we all wanted to do research about water and its analysis. So, we haven't decided on a specific topic of what we want to do with water, but we've decided that we will do a baseline test first and after the test, decide on our concrete idea for the project. To do this experiment, until the 14th of July, Ms. Hogg (A science teacher from Queensland) is going to create a table for us which tells us what to search on our experience and the other teachers are going to check on them. Then, until the 25th of July, we will have the experiment ready, and after, at 18:00 (JPN time) on the 27th of July, we will have our meeting again. So to wrap up, we were able to decide on our overall topic for our project, what to do for the next meeting, and the date of our next meeting.