Group 15

HUS High School for Gifted Students 

Yokohama Science Frontier High School 

09/05 Meeting Report

We talked about our current situation and plan. We are trying to write python code in order to get the peak of loudness of the sound. Also, we decided next meeting schdule.

08/28 Meeting Report

Students in YSFH have carried out an experiment. We didn't have a pdf file that showed the sound waves, but a sound file, so shared the sound files with HUS. We also found some points to improve. One of them is that we should take pictures of experimental scene in order to clarefy the differences between some experiments. By the next meeting, students in YSFH will conduct another experiment and make pdf files to show the sound waves to students in HUS.

08/11 Meeting Report

Students in HUS have already started some experiments individually.

Students in YSF have not started experiments yet because there have been no suitable equipment(pipes). However, as we bought some pipes(the picture below) today, we are going to carry out some experiments next week.

We all check the details of the experiment method.

07/15 Meeting Report

We shared the results of our preparatory experiment. Based on the results, we decided how to conduct future experiments. The experiment is to investigate the aperture correction, using different pipes of different thicknesses, an app that produces sound, and an app that measures it. We will collect the pipes needed for the experiment by our next meeting.

06/21 Meeting Report

We did presentations about research theme

Presentation titles here ↓

・Speed of sound

・Laser triggered lightning

・Electricity & light


・PET bottle challenge

We discussed which topic to research and decided to study sound, especially the speed of sound. By the next meeting, everyone of us will get further knowledge about this topic.

Finally, we decided next schedule.